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These General Conditions are applicable from October 1, 2024 to any Cruise reservation contract concluded with Catamaran Zéphyr

Article 1 - Definitions

Cruise: service offered by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) consisting of a tourist trip aboard a crewed boat, the itinerary of which is predefined or not and the terms and conditions of which are listed on the order form. Cruises include Cabin Cruises and Private Cruises.

So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr): registered with the Bordeaux RCS under number 50770876600070, whose head office is located at 78 Chemin de Grayan 33123 Le Verdon sur Mer, whose legal representative in practice is Sophie Jouini.
COPPER GAY civil and financial liability insurance n°TR-6664

Site:,, or any other website developed by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr)

Traveler, Passenger: any natural person wishing to rent a cabin or privatize a boat, as part of a Cruise offered on one of the sites.


Article 2 – Purpose and fields of application

These general conditions of sale (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) apply to the reservation by the Traveler of any Cruise on the Site.
So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) markets Cruise reservation offers on its Site to any person who has expressly declared having read the General Conditions and accepted them, as well as the descriptive sheets of the offers.
If one of the clauses of the General Conditions proves to be void or unfair, the contract will remain applicable in all its provisions other than those deemed void and unfair, if it can survive without these clauses.

Article 3 – Cruise Reservation

  1. Cruise description sheets

The Cruise descriptions appearing on the Site are binding on So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr). Please note that minimal differences may exist between the photos appearing on the descriptive sheets and the products provided.
So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) reserves the right to modify them at any time before signing the contract with the Traveler. Modifications may include: the amount of the price, the itinerary, the services offered or the model of the boat. Modifications made to the descriptive sheets are updated on the Site.

2 Request for quote/offer

When the Traveler is interested in the Cruise description sheet, he or she sends a request for quote/offer confirmation to So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr). The quote/offer request indicates the dates for which the Traveler wishes to make a reservation, the number of people included in the reservation and, if applicable, whether or not he wishes to privatize the boat. The Traveler's contact details are also indicated.


  1. 3 Offer

    At the Traveler's request, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) sends the Traveler a quote indicating the price corresponding to the services selected by the Traveler, as well as a deposit to be paid upon booking to firmly block the dates.

    4 Reservation by the Traveler

    To make a Cruise reservation, the Traveler must inform So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr). An option is then placed on the Cruise that the Traveler wishes to book. Once the deposit has been paid by the Traveler, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) confirms the reservation of the Cruise.
    The Traveler is informed that the Cruise reservation is not guaranteed until the reservation is confirmed. So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) recommends that the Traveler wait for confirmation of the reservation before incurring additional costs when booking the Cruise.

Article 4 – Payment

1 Deposit

Payment of the deposit is made directly on the So-Locations Site (Catamaran Zéphyr). Payment by credit card or PayPal or bank transfer to the account of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) is accepted.
When the reservation is made less than 29 (twenty-nine) days before the departure of the Cruise, a deposit of 100% of the price is requested from the Traveler.

2 Payment schedule

Payment of the balance of the rental price is made directly by the Traveler on the Site. Payment by credit card or PayPal or bank transfer to the account of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) is accepted.
Payment of the balance of the service must be made within 29 (twenty-nine) days before the departure of the Cruise. Failing this, the Traveler is deemed to have canceled his reservation in accordance with article 5.
The banking data provided by the Traveler during an online payment are not kept by the So-Locations Site (Catamaran Zéphyr).
Any online payment is firm and final and cannot give rise to any refund without the prior agreement of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr). No reimbursement may be requested from the banking institution used to make payments, or from any other third party.


Article 5– Annulation de la Croisière

  1. 1 Annulation par le Voyageur

En cas d’annulation, le Voyageur en informe So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) directement par courriel à l’adresse : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Les frais d'annulation suivants seront dus :

• Jusqu’à 30 jours avant la date de départ : 25 % du montant total TTC de la réservation

• De 29 jours à la date de départ : 100% du montant total TTC de la réservation

La date de réception de la demande d’annulation sera prise en compte pour le calcul des frais éventuellement dus.
La non-présentation du Voyageur au moment du départ est assimilée à une annulation de la réservation le jour du départ. So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) conseille au Voyageur de souscrire à une assurance annulation.

  1. 2 Annulation par So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr)

En cas d’annulation de la Croisière en raison de circonstances exceptionnelles et inévitables (telles que définies à l’article 10 alinéa 3), So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) s’engage à en informer sans délai le Voyageur.
Si aucune Croisière de substitution ne peut être trouvée, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) remboursera sans délai le montant des sommes qui lui ont été́ versées par le Voyageur, sans qu’aucune indemnité́ supplémentaire ne puisse être demandée.

Article 6 – Modification of the Cruise

1 Modification of services by the Traveler

Any request for modification of the services offered under the Cruise booked by the Traveler must be sent by email to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If the modification request is accepted, the cancellation thresholds remain based on the calendar dates of the original file.
Changing the reservation may, if necessary, result in additional costs.

2 Modification of services by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr)

So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) reserves the right to make minor modifications to the services reserved such as the menu, the itinerary, the boat model (subject to comfort conditions), the accessory comfort and leisure equipment of the boat, and informs the Traveler on a durable medium in a clear, comprehensive and visible manner.
If So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) is forced to modify one of the essential aspects of the contract concluded, it will inform the Traveler without delay. The Traveler can then accept the changes or be reimbursed free of charge for the total amount paid for the reservation.

3 Modification of the price by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr)

Prices may be increased in accordance with legal provisions, only if the increases are the direct consequence of:
• the price of passenger transport resulting from the cost of fuel or other energy sources;
• the level of taxes or fees on the travel services included in the contract;
• Foreign exchange rates.
The amount of the price increase will amount to a corresponding increase in transportation costs, tax level and applicable currency exchange rates as described in the order form.
Any price increases are communicated to the Traveler at least 20 (twenty) days before the start of the Cruise. Any reduction in the costs mentioned above, occurring between the signing of the contract and the start of the Cruise, may result in a corresponding price reduction for the Traveler.


  1. 4 Assignment of the Contract

    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) may assign the contract concluded with the Traveler to an assignee meeting the same conditions as him to carry out the trip as long as the contract has not produced any effect. If applicable, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) notifies the Traveler no later than 7 (seven) days before the start of the Cruise.

    Article 7 – Special Conditions

    1 Services provided

    The model of the ship, its particularities, the content of the service, the prices, the dates of the Cruise, the composition of the crew are those designated in the order form.

    2 Crew functions

    The captain (commander) ensures the conduct of the ship, for which he has custody and responsibility. He takes care of exterior cleaning, maintenance, administrative formalities as well as shift work. He is in charge of relations with the authorities and Travelers for everything relating to the organization of the Cruise.
    Any sailor, steward, hostess mentioned in the order form will be responsible for cooking, washing dishes, serving, supplying, cleaning the interior common areas and taking watch.

    Powers of the Captain or Skipper (hereinafter “the Captain”)

The Commander of a boat has the broadest powers to proceed without a pilot, to tow or assist other boats in all circumstances, to deviate from its ordinary course, to touch any port whatsoever (whether it is located or not on the planned itinerary), to transfer a passenger and their luggage to another boat for the continuation of the journey.
The Client is subject to the disciplinary power of the Commander for all matters relating to security.
of the boat and navigation. If, according to the Captain, a passenger finds himself in conditions which do not allow him to face or continue the cruise or which constitute a danger for the safety of the boat, the health or the integrity of the boat, the crew or other passengers, or if his behavior is likely to compromise the enjoyment of the cruise for other passengers, the Captain has the right to:

refuse boarding of this passenger,
disembark this passenger at an intermediate port,
not allow the passenger to go ashore during a stopover,
refuse access to certain parts of the boat and participation in certain activities.

The Commander has the power to execute any order or directive given by the governments and authorities of all States. All actions of the carrier or the Commander, for the execution of these orders or directives cannot be considered as non-performance of the contract. Disembarkation of passengers in accordance with these orders or directives releases the carrier from any liability for the continuation of the journey or the repatriation of passengers.

3 Itineraries

Itineraries, travel times and stopovers are given for information only and may be modified depending on requirements or weather conditions. The crew is the sole decision-maker in choosing the route.

All stops and times indicated are subject to change by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) at any time, before departure or during the cruise.

In the event of a strike, riot, bad weather conditions or for any other reasons, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) may at any time and without prior notification, advance, delay a departure or a stopover or possibly change boats or stopovers and cannot be held liable to passengers in the event of cancellation, advancement, delay, modification or substitution.
So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) cannot be held responsible for any failure to respect arrival and departure times, whatever the stopover.

The captain of the boat also has the right to interrupt a cruise or modify the itinerary for reasons of force majeure or for safety requirements for passengers or the boat. Exercising this option does not imply “modification of the trip”.

Some destinations such as the Caribbean are subject to specific weather conditions.
The Caribbean is also a cyclone risk zone generally from June to September.
Certain stopovers may then be reversed, shortened or eliminated. In the event of cancellation, excursions purchased on board will be refunded. No other compensation is due. Strong winds may prevent tender landings.
The obligations of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) concern the cruise as a whole. A specific stopover cannot constitute the aim of a program which aims to discover a region in general and the pleasures of navigation.

4 Compliance with safety rules and regulations

The Traveler undertakes to read and respect the safety instructions, as well as the safety rules explained by the captain upon boarding.
The Traveler acknowledges having been informed of the conditions for crossing borders, and of the recommendations relating to possible vaccinations and other formalities provided by So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr).

The Traveler is solely responsible for the conformity of travel documents, passport, possible visas and vaccination certificates, for himself and the people accompanying him, according to the regulations of the countries concerned.
Any cancellation, refusal of boarding, shortening of the Cruise resulting from the non-compliance of travel documents, possible visas and vaccination certificates is considered as a cancellation by the Traveler and will give rise to the cancellation costs incurred by the Traveler. article 5.

  1. 4 Information

    Following the reservation of the order, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) communicates the name, address and telephone number of its representative in the boarding form.
    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) communicates the departure and arrival times of the Cruise within a reasonable time before the start of the Cruise.

    Medical contraindications

    The Traveler must ensure that he is able to take a cruise without endangering his life or that of other passengers. Any illness requiring treatment or medical supervision must be reported in writing at the time of the reservation request or, if this illness occurs during the Order, before the boarding date.
    No Order can be accepted and insured for passengers whose physical or psychological conditions are likely to make their participation in the cruise impossible or dangerous for themselves or for other passengers, or who require care and assistance. impossible to ensure on board.
    As the boats are not equipped for assistance during pregnancy and childbirth, women over 24 weeks pregnant - or reaching this period during the trip - may not be accepted on board.
    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) may require a medical certificate of fitness to travel for people over 70 years old.

  1. Denied boarding and premature disembarkation

    Boarding may be refused to any passenger and any cruise may be interrupted for a passenger (at the risk and expense of the disembarked passenger) when, in the opinion of the Captain or the doctor, this passenger is not able to travel, or present a danger for him or disrupts or endangers other passengers. In these cases, a Traveler can be disembarked at any port of call without So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) being held liable. So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) cannot be required to reimburse the cruise days not completed by the disembarking passenger, nor to cover the costs incurred by this disembarkation.

    Article 8 - Respect of stopover timetables

    During a stopover, the deadline for returning on board and leaving the boat is mentioned when leaving the cruise ship. It is up to passengers to respect these times. In the event of non-compliance with these times and failure to board, no refund or compensation is due to the Customer.

    Article 9 - Personal items / Baggage

    Dangerous objects and products such as controlled substances, firearms, explosives, oxygen, compressed air or flammable products, etc. are prohibited on board.
    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) reserves the right to refuse boarding to a Traveler with such products.
    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) is not responsible for loss, theft and/or damage to the Traveler's personal items and/or luggage (including embarkation and disembarkation periods).

    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) advises the Traveler:

    to subscribe to a baggage option,
    to have a report drawn up which will be requested in the event of damage or loss.

So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) cannot be held responsible for items forgotten on board after final disembarkation. It is up to the Traveler to check that they have not forgotten anything in their cabin.
So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) declines all responsibility for money, documents, jewelry and other valuable objects kept elsewhere than in the safes provided on the cruise ship for this purpose.

Article 10 - Responsibilities

1 So-Locations Responsibilities (Catamaran Zéphyr)

So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) makes every effort to ensure that the services purchased through its Site are carried out in the best possible conditions.
The liability of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) cannot be incurred in the event of non-performance or poor performance of the contract, which is attributable to the Traveler or results from an unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party unrelated to the service or even exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.

Are considered exceptional and unavoidable circumstances (without this list being exhaustive): strikes outside the parties, lockouts or other social conflicts, demonstrations, riots, blockades, invasion, war, fire, explosion, sabotage, significant weather problems , collision, stranding, government act or regulation, major technical breakdown, serious illness, diversion justified by the obligation of assistance or rescue at sea.
The Traveler immediately informs So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr), by email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of any non-compliance observed during the execution of the contract.
So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) undertakes to make its best efforts to remedy this non-compliance.
If a significant part of the services offered under the contract can no longer be performed, So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) offers services of equal or higher quality to the Traveler, or of lower quality in exchange for an appropriate price reduction.
The Traveler can only refuse the services offered if they are not comparable, or if the price reduction is not appropriate.

  1. 2 Responsibilities of Travelers

    Each Traveler (or if he is a minor, his parents or guardians) is responsible and undertakes to compensate So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) for any damage to the boat, its furniture, its equipment or any property of the boat, for any fine or contravention imposed on So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) because of an act, an omission or the violation of a law, whether it is a voluntary act or not on the part of the passenger .

    Article 11 - Children / Minors

    For security reasons, the Traveler must inquire when placing the Order, and at the latest before the boarding date, about the conditions for minor children.
    Some islands and countries consider people under the age of 21 to be minors. They are not allowed to travel alone on board and must be accompanied by parents or adults over the age of 25 with whom they must travel and who assume all responsibilities towards them. Verification of the passenger's age may be requested by on-board staff.

    Article 12 - Tips / On-board cash registers

    Tipping shipboard crew is a maritime practice. A variable amount per day and per person (adult and child) will be payable on the ship, generally in cash, and covers the on-board service. This amount is set by the service provider in charge of the cruise and/or at the discretion of the Travelers.

    Article 13 - Insurance

    So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) has civil liability insurance with COPPER GAY under contract number: TR-6664

    The Traveler is advised to take out travel insurance covering all risks incurred such as: cancellation, repatriation, loss and theft of luggage, medical expenses, legal assistance, cancellation of transport tickets, redemption of excesses, etc.

Article 14 - Personal data

The personal data that the Traveler communicates by completing the forms available on the So-Locations Sites (Catamaran Zéphyr), namely the name, first name, address, email, telephone, passport number, date and place of birth are intended exclusively to So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) and processed in accordance with the provisions of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended by law n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms ( the “Informatics and Freedoms Act”).
The collection of this data is necessary for the purpose of the activity of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr), in order to enable it to ensure the execution of contracts concluded on the Site and to identify the Traveler's needs. The data collected may be transmitted to subcontractors of So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) as part of the execution of the contract concluded.

The Traveler has the right to access, modify and delete data concerning him or her. He may at any time send a request for information, modification or deletion of personal data concerning him to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Traveler has the right to object to the processing of data concerning him, to request a limitation of the processing and a right to data portability. The Traveler has the possibility of submitting a complaint to a supervisory authority.

Article 15 - Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Conditions are subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute relating to the execution or interpretation of the Cruise sales contract, the Traveler undertakes to send his complaints to So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sending a complaint to So-Locations (Catamaran Zéphyr) must be prior to any reimbursement request.

Article 16 - Legal notices

The So-Locations Sites (Catamaran Zéphyr) are the property of: So-Locations - Sophie JOUINI, registered with the Bordeaux RCS under number 50770876600070, whose head office is located at 78 Chemin de Grayan 33123 Le Verdon sur Mer, taken personally of its legal representative in office, whose intra-community VAT number is n°: FR 09 507708766
The Publication Director of the So-Locations Sites (Catamaran Zéphyr) is Mr. K. Jouini Tel. : +33 6 35 50 81 82
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Sites are hosted by (France - Canada)


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